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Prof.Shai Gabay

Research Interests:  My Research Interest is focused on the evolutionary predecessor and functional involvement of subcortical areas in a range of complex mental operations (e.g., attention, perception, mathematical abilities, social processes and mental representations).

Personal interest: Basketball, playing the percussion instruments.


Super Hero: The hulk


Postdoctoal Researcher 

Ashael Raveh, PHD

Research interest: 

I am a biologist specializing in behavioural and evolutionary ecology. My main interests are the effects of fear on animal foraging and predator avoidance, and the effect of ectoparasites on these behaviours. I am further interested in the effects of environmental variability and fear of predators on Archer Fish cognitive processes and perception.

Personal interest: Animals, cooking, literature, digital art

Super hero: Tiktaalik roseae, the first ancient fish known to be able to do push-ups

Graduate Student 

Orit Nafcha
ECN lab manager
Nofar Strommer Davidovich

My research interest fouses on  understanding the mechanism and the neural basis, by which we perceive, understand and are influenced by others’ actions; in particular, understanding the social inhibition of return effect and its evoulutionary origin. The PhD is Jointly supervised with Prof. Simone Shamay-Tsoory‏

Moreover, another research interest of mine is the reward system. I am especialy  exploring  the influence of different type of rewards on attentional processes and habitual behavior, in collaboration with Dr. Baruch Eitam. 

Personal Interest: Friends, board games, magic and writing. 

Super Hero: Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz‬‏

My research interest focuses on examining the various neural and cognitive factors among individuals at risk for developing hypertension. Specifically, I examine cortical and subcortical involvement in cognitive processes among normotensive and pre-hypertensive populations.

Jointly supervised with Dr. Hadas Okon-Singer.


Personal Interests: Having grown up near the Carmel Forests, I love hiking and being outdoors. I also enjoy listening to music, eating good food and spending relaxing evenings with my family and my dog Nola

Super Hero- PILPEELT

Or Rabani 
Will Saban

Research Interests: I'm interested in thinking processes, decision making and complex behavior patterns - within and across human, animal and computer models. In particular - distributed computing in natural systems; mathematical models for decision making and higher cognitive processes involving evolutionary-basal brain regions. 

My current work is concerned with investigating parallel processing by the sub-cortical visual pathway, in decision making tasks. This is done in an experimental manner, both by non-invasive manipulations in people, and by work with trained shooting fish (Archer Fish).


Personal interests: Outdoor activities (hiking, orienteering, climbing) ; 'Making' (mostly scientific stuff); And almost anything that involves animals, amusement parks, candy and beer.
Super Hero: Both Freakazoid and the Ninja Turtles. My favorite villains are, undoubtedly, Pinky and The Brain.

Research interest: I'm curious to understand a model which examine the interaction between two axis: 

(i) Cortical - Subcortical mechanisms and (ii) Volitional-Reflexive processes. 

 In my Ph.D. work I apply two different methodological strategies to determine whether Cortical - Subcortical mechanisms have a functional role in each process:

 (i) Archer Fish, which lacks a fully developed cortex and is an evolutionary older specie;

(ii) Sensitive behavioral manipulation to probe the contribution of subcortical - monocularly segregated - regions in humans.

Active collaborations:

Dr. Raymond M. Klein, Dalhousie University 

Dr. Eyal Kalanthroff, Columbia University


Personal Interests:  Swimming, running, bicycling, scuba diving, hiking, chess, friends and more (:

Super Hero: Khaleesi

Gili Mozes

Research Interests

I'm interested in revealing the principles of brain mechanisms that supports Time Perception, Mental Representation of Motion, Objects and Mental Rotation.

My current projects are :

a.      understanding the involvement of sub cortical structures in mental representation during dynamic occlusion.

b.      Examining the evolutionary precursor of mental representation using a phylogenetic model of an early evolutionary species

c.        The roll of sub cortical structures in the flash lag effect.


Personal Interests: Theatre ,Acting, Classic Jazz,  Cooking ,Traveling and exploring other cultures

Super Hero: Sophie Germain

Gili Barkay
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Noa Peskin 

I Graduated my BA in Psychology and Art in the University of Haifa. Currently i'm a student in the direct Ph.D. program in clinical Neuropsychology.

Research Interests: The involvement of sub-cortical mechanisms in the interaction between attention and emotion.
The involvement of sub-cortical mechanisms in executive functions impairments among patients with schizophrenia.
The involvement of sub-cortical mechanisms in learning processes in people with dyslexia.
Personal Interests: illustration, painting and digital media. Listening to music and writing funny songs.
Super Hero: David Bowie.

Keren Leadner
MA student 

Research Interests


Personal Interests

Super Hero

Research Interests: I'm interested in understanding the human mind and its functional abilities. In the lab we engage with this topic from a behavioral perspective. We examine the subcortical mechanisms that underline attentional and perceptual processes in human and animal models. The goal is to understand the evolutionary origin of certain brain functions which lead to fascinating discoveries.


Personal Interests: When I'm not leading a group of socially active students in my scholarship or handing in assignments, I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy novels. I also like to play computer games, board games, watch DIY videos on the internet, and do TRX.

Super Hero: Captain Planet

Liora Sekely 
Aya Morshed

Research Interest : I am a M.A. student in the department of psychology. I am working on several projects, all exploring the involvement of subcortical mechanisms in cognitive processes. One of them examine cortical and subcortical involvement in the perception of illusory objects.


Personal interest: I love spending my free time with my dog Ossi, cook, listening to music, go out with my friends and watch TV.

Super Hero: Pippilotta Viktualia Rullgardina Krusmynta Efraimsdotter Långstrump (Bilbi).

My research interest - I'm a M.A studen My focus is on understanding how and when we are influenced by others.
Personal interest - reading adventure novels, watching science fiction and crime films, playing piano and drawing. 
Super hero - Sherlock Holmes

Sabeel Jazmawi

Research Interests: I'm studying Neuro-cognitive research. curious to investigate the processes of self perception beyond the physical body, involving behavioral tasks and brain stimulation methods.

Moreover, I'm interested in the individual and social inhibition of return mechanisms and visual search. 


Personal Interests: music, science fiction, cats lover, practicing yoga, hand-made crafts (especially dreamcatchers).

Super hero: Rick Sanchez (Rick and morty)

Dana Vilker

Research Interests: I am enthusiastic about alternative cognitions, mainly of animals and people with developmental or psychiatric conditions. More specifically, I am interested in inter-species and inter-cognitive communication. In order to explore these vast topics, I mainly focus on:

(1) Animal sensory capabilities as a way of exploring their cognitive functioning

(2) Social interactions within and outside of a species

(3) Mental capabilities that stem from different evolutionary paths


Personal Interests: Writing, painting, crafting and making, reading everything and anything, animals, animals and more animals.


Super Hero: Harley Queen, Robin Hobb's Fool and my uncle Ram

Ti kalfon

Research interests: I graduated my BA in psychology in the University of Haifa. I am interested in exploring the involvement of subcortical structures in the interaction between cognition and emotion, and understanding the neural basis of empathy.

Personal interest: I love traveling and outdoor activities, spending time with my dog Joy, listening to music and reading books.

Super hero: Harry Potter

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